Re-Feminist History - badass women in history

Sunday, April 11, 2021

BitchScopes for the week of April 12th

There is a definite emphasis on communication this week! Mercury is everywhere, touching and talking to most of the planets in some way, as well as some of the asteroids. The other emphasis is on our goals for the future, our “fate”, the vision we have for ourselves, and how our committed partnerships fit in to and nourish those visions. Mars is active this week too, so our desires and drives are strong. And the other planet showing up more than usual is my favorite girl, Eris. There is such a huge stellium of Aries planets: Sun, Eris, Ceres, Chiron, Venus, Mercury...Your sense of self, your ego, and your will are front and center. Be aware of how your ego expresses itself. And as these planets move into Taurus this week, the shift is likely to be palpable. If you feel tired as these shifts happen, well...when in Taurus, do as the Tauruses do...lie on the couch and luxuriate until you realize how fabulous you are. The shift from doing to having is going to be a jolt. Make sure you are spending your money practically and planning for the future...and you can do that while you lie on the couch, right?

April 13
  • Sun sextile Mars - boost in self-confidence as well as physical vitality
  • Mars sextile Eris - Mars empowers Eris to do what she does - shake things up
  • Sun conjunct Eris - the Sun gives great strength to Eris to draw her line in the sand, and Eris gives our ego the ball
  • Mars opposite Juno - conflicts in committed relationships
  • Sun trine Juno - committed relationships are strengthened

April 14
  • Venus enters Taurus - love takes on a more sensual vibe
  • Mercury conjunct Ceres - expressing care and nurturing

April 15
  • Sun sextile Jupiter - optimism and good luck

April 16
  • Sun square Pluto - issues with power, ego, and control
  • Mercury conjunct Eris - expression of your rebellion or declaration of “war”
  • Mars trine Jupiter - desire to win and succeed
  • Mercury trine Juno - good communication with partner

April 17
  • Mercury sextile Jupiter - pleasant discussion, communicating good news
  • Mercury sextile Mars - sense of purpose is strengthened
  • Mercury square Pluto - deep thinking and intense discussion
  • Mars quincunx Pluto - strong ambition but power struggles

April 18
  • Sun conjunct Mercury - focus on communication

April 19
  • Mercury enters Taurus - decision making and communication takes on a slow and deliberateness; stubbornness
  • Sun enters Taurus - Taurus quality of stability, practicality will be respected during this time
  • Pallas square North Node - vision for our future, plans solidify for our goals

ARIES - Watch your boundaries this week, and don’t let anyone talk you in to something that your intuition doesn’t agree with, particularly around money. The movement of planets into Taurus activates your 2nd house of earned money, and that shift of energy out of your house of identity will be felt by you. Currently in Aries: Eris, Ceres, Chiron, Sun, Mercury, Venus. As of Monday the 19th: The Sun, Mercury and Venus will have joined Uranus in Taurus. It could be a lucrative period for you, but lean into the practicality of Taurus and don’t be lured into something foolish.

TAURUS - You should feel some relief from the heaviness as the planets move out of your 12th house and into your 1st house of self, in your own sign. You will feel a tug on your sense of identity. If you happen to bump into an old friend, you could experience some healing and validation about things that happened in the past, and give validation to that same sense of identity. Apart from that chance encounter, you may be put in a position to have to compromise a point that you know you are right about but the other party just won’t let it go. Compromise is not your strongest skill, but if your intuition isn’t screaming about the importance of this issue, let it go.

GEMINI - As the planets slowly trickle out of your solar 11th house of friends, which you love, and into the 12th, you could feel a little sad and isolated, much like you have during Covid. But this is a great time to fulfill promises made to yourself, and take out the garbage in your unconscious mind. Meditation can be very helpful to you to do this work until the Sun is in your sign. Mars is still in your sign for another week or so. Save money and plan ahead for a possible increase in expenses when Mars moves into Cancer. Stay in touch with your self and your thoughts as we build to your birthday season.

CANCER - Your career and professional pursuits should be going pretty splendidly, or they will really soon. You have a lot of planetary energy on your side in matters of business! As the planets slide into your 11th house of friendships and dreams, you will feel optimistic and supported. Stay grounded and be practical. Watch your schedule carefully because you are prone to overbooking yourself, especially in this upcoming energy.

LEO - The current stellium of Aries lands in your solar 9th house, so you may be going stir crazy. The movement into your 10th house isn’t going to offer you much excitement personally, but it does offer you a period of fabulous potential for your career pursuits. Keep an eye on your schedule so you can adapt to situations that might arise as April winds down (how are we talking about the end of April?!) Make sure you are giving proper time and attention to your home life and your family/partner. Because while business may be on the upswing, you don’t want your home life to be neglected.

VIRGO - If you have been feeling the intensity, or have been a bit intense yourself, you will soon feel some relief. The Aries stellium hits your solar 8th house, and that is a lot of energy in a deep placement. You may feel gloomy, or even overly passionate. But as the planets move into Taurus, you will start to feel more optimistic and like thinking about something other than your deep dark secrets. If you’ve been raking yourself over the coals about a goal you didn’t make, ease up. You didn’t do it wrong. At the beginning of next week, good news could arrive and boost your entire outlook.

LIBRA - Personal relationships and intimacy should be going smoothly, or they will be really soon. It will be easier to connect with your partner on a deeper level, and a long standing disagreement may actually reach a closing point! You are entering a period where the resources you share are sort of under the microscope. Openness and sharing with your partner are key as you figure out how to navigate a new (positive) era, both financially and emotionally.

SCORPIO - Good news! Your boredom will be coming to an end! All that mundane, everyday bullshit will be moving out over the next couple months and will stay that way for a good while. As the planets move into your 7th house, relationships will come to you more easily, and existing relationships (even business) will flow much better. You will start to feel more empowered and optimistic.

SAGITTARIUS - Things are about to get a bit more real, probably a bit more interesting. Your every day routine is up for some changes. Gather your creative energy and bring it with you. You are a prime target for positive recognition for a skill you’ve had and never really done much with until now. This recognition will infuse you with a fire to pursue things more seriously. Enjoy! You’ve earned this!

CAPRICORN - Your work life/routine may open up and come to life for the first time in a long time. Communication with people you’ve worked with is likely to improve and you may actually feel a little ruffled by the uptick in energy in this area of your life. You are more than ready to get back out there and be all Capricorny and conquer all the things. The energy is building for you to do that. Pace yourself!

AQUARIUS - You will probably want to shave your legs and put some nice sheets on your bed. Not for sexy time, but for some good ol’ cocooning. Your brain is tired, you may be burned out and fatigued from trying to communicate with people who, as usual, don’t seem to understand you. Snuggle up and give yourself this time. Your family will be pulling on you and you will still be busy, but give yourself permission to be a home body for a bit.

PISCES - Your finances could get a boost before the planets slide into your 3rd solar house. A friend of a friend, or someone behind the scenes may select you for a project, giving you a much needed boost. There will be a good amount of paperwork and phone calls, but the fun stuff will show up around June. Don’t give really are close to a breakthrough of pretty significant proportions!

Sunday, April 4, 2021

Hey, Bud...

As is clear from the long list of transits this week, there’s a lot going on! The majority of this week’s aspects are trines and sextiles, which are positive and harmonious. There are a few aspects that serve as a wrench in the works, but overall, this week is very much on your side. All of this culminates in YET ANOTHER opportunity for a fresh start and new beginning. The Universe has already given us several bold and shining chances to get our shit together and manifest what we want and it's only April! Every new moon is such an opportunity, and we have one of those this week. It’s abundant potential is increased by the fact that it is in Aries. So while the Equinox kicks off the astrological new year, this first Aries new moon is the real benchmark.

What seems to be happening here is many chances to figure out what it is we want. Usually that is a process, not a lighting strike. The Universe is absolutely conspiring in your favor, giving you all sorts of chances to get in alignment with the best outcomes for you.

Some of us feel frustrated by the lack of results after a lot of hard work over the last year or 2. The garden WILL grow!

For over a year I have felt that April 2021 was the turning point when life would speed up, things would fall into place, blockages would dissolve or move, and progress will begin in a big way. Now that we are IN April, I feel like time is moving so fast! I guess I got accustomed to the slow pace of the Pandemic. About halfway through March, something lit a fire under me and I started doing all kinds of Spring Cleaning, creative crafts and organizing projects. Now both of my kids have the option to go back to school, more things are opening, and life has just taken on a majorly Aries vibe...DO DO DO!!

This new moon will not be your last chance to get it right. Life is always working out for us. But it definitely IS a process. So this week, be aware of your feelings. Check in with yourself daily. Listen to your intuition and then use all that information to manifest during this new moon. This is a great time to start new projects or really get them going. And if you still feel stalled in the coming weeks, don’t lose faith or hope. There are plenty of opportunities coming!! There always are. Because like any crop or garden, the growing conditions, the weather, the soil, the water, the many things need to work together. You are the bud.

“And the day came when the risk to remain tight in a bud was more painful than the risk it took to blossom.”

Anaïs Nin

April 5
  • Jupiter sextile Eris - opportunity for growth as a result of upsets, or, the escalation of upsets

April 6
  • Venus sextile Mars - great socializing vibes, strong romance aspect
  • Uranus sextile Pallas - flashes of genius, problem solving, pattern recognition, tech problems solved

April 7
  • Sun conjunct Ceres - you are a source of inspiration and nurturing

April 8
  • Mercury quincunx Vesta - possible confrontations and misunderstandings in your workplace
  • Pallas conjunct Lilith - your intuition and your will create a strong strategy for advancement. Don’t let your feminine Darth Vader run amok, however.

April 9
  • Saturn trine North Node - you are ready to do the work to advance your career
  • Mars square Neptune - a battle against delusion. You may be distracted by gossip, drama, deceit.
  • Mercury conjunct Chiron - desire to share/communicate about your wounds or healing journey, or things you feel insecure about
  • Eris trine Juno - overcompensating for insecurity in committed relationships
  • Venus trine Juno - cooperation in relationships
  • Venus conjunct Eris - determined to win others over
April 10
  • Venus sextile Jupiter - positive, happy, optimistic energy
  • Mercury sextile North Node - boosts mental intellect and offers potential uses within your calling
  • Mercury sextile Saturn - clear thinking and good jugdgement
  • Mercury trine Juno - harmonious conversations with your partner

April 11
  • Venus square Pluto - intense feelings can complicate a situation or relationship
  • New Moon in Aries Sun conjuncts Moon in Aries. Some astrologers call this the actual beginning of the New Year. Yes the Spring Equinox kicks it off, but the first Aires New Moon is fantastic for starting something new, planting the seeds, taking action. Don’t overthink...just DO IT!

ARIES - What may be holding you back from reaching your goals or highest potential right now is quite simply guilt. Guilt is like shackles. Guilt is to the body what injury is to the body. So set aside some time to be with yourself and try to work through and release whatever this is regarding. This is your moon and your time to take off and fly high. Utilize this new moon to either clear your guilt or plant intentions for success, or both!

TAURUS - With a stack of planets in your solar 12th house, it is time for you to do some hard shadow work and examine the ways you have held yourself back because you were overwhelmed. Guilt about lack of achievement or success that someone else begrudges you may also have held you back. Don’t keep yourself small to make others comfortable. Aim high and use this moon to help you set intentions for a clear conscience.

GEMINI - Don’t let fear of competition keep you from trying. You have likely spent time overthinking the situation and your options, to the point that you don’t know what your options are anymore. The moon and sun and a stack of planets are in your 11th house of hopes and dreams, so step up to the plate and take your shot!

CANCER - There looks to be a bit of discord somewhere in your life, and with this many planets in Aries, its likely your solar 10th house of career . It has really weighed on you and made you feel disheartened or defeated. Someone, career related or otherwise, has built a cute little box for you to get in, with nice labels on it and your name in fancy writing like you like. You still don’t have to get in it. Use this new moon to set intentions for how to better handle this from an empowered place rather than a people pleasing place.

LEO - Looks to me like love is in the air around you. Your obstacle may be your tired ego. If you’ve convinced yourself that it just won’t happen, or that no one will measure up, use this moon to upgrade your thoughts. Be realistic about your list of what you want this person to be and let go of some of the partner traits that haven’t worked out that you thought you really wanted. Focus on how you want this person to make you feel. The person I am seeing is stable and responsible and mature. Congrats to you!

VIRGO - Feel stuck? I feel it for you as well. You’ve been pushing and trying to force something that just ins’t taking root. This moon falls in your solar 8th house and that can be very deep. Intimacy requires you to be intimate with yourself. Having someone else appreciate you means you need to also appreciate yourself. You get the idea? Do the deep work required by this moon and then lean back and receive and quit pushing.

LIBRA - Changes are afoot that could put you in a leadership, training, or teaching position. You might be excited but also terrified, and that’s perfectly OK. Let your 3rd chakra (solar plexus) shine and radiate the amazing person you are and you’ll be fine. Change is inevitable, and it is always unnerving. But this is good, so lean into it!

SCORPIO - I feel the union of a strong nurturing woman and a stable, generous man. This could be in any part of your life, except that this pile up of Aries planets is in your 6th house of routine, which makes me think this is a job, change in work environment, or something to do with your healthcare. Either way, you will need to do a little work to be ready to receive this. If you have bitterness and resentment about a past situation in this area of your life, you need to find a way to cathart and release that. Use this moon to set new, healthy intentions.

SAGITTARIUS - If the pieces aren’t falling in to place, perhaps it is time to change the pieces. I do see a delay or you walking away from something that wasn’t working and pursuing things from a different angle (Because this is in your solar 5th house, this could be about your older children as well, but it affects you in some way.) Financially speaking, make the choice that resonates with your heart, or your creative side, because the money will come once you’ve aligned yourself.

CAPRICORN - This pile up of Aries planets falls in your solar 4th house of home and family, opposing your natural 10th house. While there may be some forgiveness and release necessary in regards to something in your family, it is also time you examined how you have contributed to this issue. There is also a possibility that you have given your family life too much of yourself and it is time you went out there and shone like the badass you are. Own your greatness, as well as your flaws.

AQUARIUS - Even though you are used to being the odd ball, you can experience rejection like anyone else. If you’ve become frustrated because something hasn’t quite materialized is coming. But it is critical that you own your actions and stop blaming other people for the things that haven’t worked out. You are a fixed sign and stubbornness can get in your way. This moon falls in your 3rd house of communication. Plant seeds for an open mind, less judgement, and better dialogue with your people.

PISCES - Your first/root chakra is up for some work, and it particularly pertains to money. If you can free yourself of the fear of not having (which is way easier said than done), you will find a greater flow in the direction of your life. Better flow means equal giving and receiving though. So if you are bound up in the giving department (financially), you can expect that to reflect in the receiving too. Use this moon in your 2nd house of income to free yourself of the crippling fear of losing stability.

Sunday, March 28, 2021

Healing as a means of progressing toward your goals

I'm keeping the overview here short and sweet: 

One theme I am noticing in the transits of this week is that of established intimate relationships and the security that they can enjoy when they are healthy. There’s  a continuation of the theme of finding your path, adjusting your trajectory, and healing as a means of moving forward. The Universe is asking us to really examine our hearts desires about our future, but the heart must also be healed in order to allow the GPS to work properly.

So this week, get some rest and soak up some of the healing energy offered.

Take care of yourself and your loved ones. Open yourself up to healing old wounds. Let’s get to it…

March 29
  • Mercury conjunct Neptune - dreamier thinking, meditation, interest in mysteries and art and imagination.
  • Sun quincunx Vesta - potholes on your path are illuminated; adjustments to the goals you hold as sacred
  • Sun conjunct Chiron - Progress with healing; wounds can be illuminated and thereby healed

March 30
  • Venus sextile Saturn - love and relationships take on a more serious/responsible tone

March 31

  • Sun sextile Saturn - serious work ethic; the path forward and what is required may become illuminated
  • Venus sextile North Node - attracts positive influences to your moving forward on your path
  • Mercury square Juno - understanding and communication needed in marriage or close relationships, disagreements are possible

April 2
  • Mercury sextile Pluto -thinking and communication can feel or be intense
  • Pallas opposite Vesta - you plan(s) and your passion(s) may be out of balance

April 3

  • Venus conjunct Ceres - intimate relationships are nurtured and secure

April 4
  • Mercury enters Aries - fast thinking and decision making, action oriented thinking
  • Jupiter sextile Juno - acceptance and openness in intimate relationships

April 5
  • Jupiter sextile Eris - opportunity for growth as a result of upsets, or, the escalation of upsets

ARIES - Touch in with your friends this week. In doing so, you may find that someone is struggling with their identity, or you may say something that triggers them because they are having a hard time fitting in to some box they think they need to fit into. But before you fly into advice mode, think before you speak and be extra compassionate. Most of the zodiac are feeling soft and squishy and you’re straight forward approach might inadvertently hurt someone. Take care of boring, mundane tasks at home as soon as possible or they are going to fall off your list and then you’ll be mad at yourself.

TAURUS - It's time to put yourself out there a bit in terms of your work. Particularly if you do something related to the 3rd house (communications, writing etc.) You’ve put this off for a long time but you have what it takes so get to it. You are a very nurturing partner, particularly this week. Be careful though that you don’t absorb someone else’s drama and trauma. Boundaries are important, even in love.

GEMINI - There’s a lot of information available to you this week. You love information, but you might feel a little overwhelmed. Stop and get still for a little while. For some that means meditation, for others it means physical exertion. Whatever quiets your brain a bit is what you need to do. The decision you need to make will feel much clearer after you’ve quieted your mind. If asked to keep a secret this week...please do.

CANCER - A recent interaction with a colleague or friend may have left you scratching your head and wondering if they are pissed at you. They aren’t, but it wouldn’t hurt to try to re-establish a more typical and happy dialogue with them. You may feel sensitive about all of your friendships and close relationships this week, maybe wondering if you are aligned. Rather than take action about any of these things, cathart via art or writing to get clear on how you really feel.

LEO - You need to give yourself permission to rest this week. You may be busy catching up on things that you procrastinated, but you can still only do so much in a day. Your energy may swing from high to low, so listen to your body and give it what it needs. If you need a place to focus all that “doing” energy, focus on your financial or business stuff.

VIRGO - This current energy has your name all over it. You may find plenty of people around you ready to give you some support, and you may find yourself needed by someone close as well. You love to help others, but can sometimes resist help for yourself. Seek balance in that this week. Give advice when asked for it, but also be willing to receive it when it shows up too...even if it's from an unusual source..

LIBRA - A friend or someone you work with could be in a mood that is making you want to burn a bridge. We both know you can’t even light a match to burn a bridge, but before you do say something too harsh, consider the fact that the person is speaking out of a wounded place. You don’t have to take their shit, but you don’t need to fire them as a friend either. You are highly thought of and it will show in the coming weeks.

SCORPIO - Love is on your mind, and it really wants to come out of your mouth this week. It may have you feeling restless and antsy.’ve got this. Anything you put effort into right now is going to have good results, including relationships. Your anxiety may surface in your dream life, but don’t over analyze. Give yourself some peace and just acknowledge the fears and bajiggityness...then it will fade.

SAGITTARIUS - Help is at hand! The right people with the right connections are coming to help you reach your goals. You may find yourself enjoying a level of success that you’ve been missing for a long time. Don’t forget about your friendships during this time of “highs”. They’ve been there for you during the “lows” and they need your support too.

CAPRICORN - A personal relationship that went sideways or ended in a way that chapped your ass a bit may show up again and offer some perspective. The actual person may not physically show up in your life, and they may not even call or text. But the energetics of the situation will be at the front of your mind. Open yourself to the healing process. Your business plans and ambitions are poised to do very well in the coming weeks and months. Make sure your finances are’ll be glad you did.

AQUARIUS - old connections can yield great new results. An unexpected interaction with someone may re-infuse you with hope and excitement about your plans that have been in the works. If you’ve been discouraged and questioning whether to move ahead, you can find validation this week. There is support for your dreams! On the other hand, if someone pisses you off this week, hold your tongue and put away your matches.

PISCES - If you need inspiration for business or financial plans, you may unexpectedly find it in nature. Maybe it isn’t that unexpected, since you are ruled by Neptune. At any rate, the artistic expressions that you allow to flow out of you can help guide you to some answers about things much more mundane. Let the love flow in your home and with the people closest to you. Everyone needs it right now, and you could use some in return as well.

Sunday, March 21, 2021

Feel and Heal

It looks to be a busy week ahead, both for our healing, and with our minds, and probably those 2 elements together. With the sun in Aries and the Spring equinox at our back, we will feel anxious and ready to get on with things. But we need to watch out for rash behavior.

Before we “get on with it”, we have to do some work on ourselves. Our “sacred work”, ideal career, or our “calling” seems to be a focus at the moment. But the planets are telling us that we need to heal and serve ourselves before we can heal and serve others. Where you feel triggered, oversensitive, or fearful this week, take note. That is the illumination of your wounds.

Mercury is active this week, so your mind may run ahead of you. Use the full moon to declutter your mind of painful memories or old hurts. In order to move ahead, you must lighten your load. Things are leaning toward your independence from the things that have held you back thus far. But in order to succeed, you need to be well acquainted with yourself on a deep level. You won’t have any one else to blame for either your happiness or unhappiness. And while we may think that sounds great, we may not realize how often we use the assholes around us that “keep us down” as a way of avoiding responsibility for our own shit. This is a reference to the work you do ior want to do in the world, not interpersonal relationships. Meaning, I am not victim blaming anyone if they are in an abusive relationship...that is a whole other ballgame.

But your personal relationships are not off the hook either. If there are wounds or resentments hanging around, it will weigh you down as you attempt to pursue your dreams.

March 22

Mars square Vesta - irritations or limitations in or at work due to resistance; probably resisting something that is meant for our own good

March 23

Mercury square Mars - good mental energy, but watch for rushed decision making, or agitation

March 24

Mercury square North Node - possibly overanalyzing your next step toward your goal or purpose

March 25

Mars sextile Ceres - putting effort toward helping others

March 26

Sun conjunct Venus - harmonious, increased attractiveness, possibly laziness

Mars conjunct North Node - restless, anxious to implement steps toward goal

March 27

Mercury sextile Lilith - your rebellious or freedom loving ideas are more easily expressed

March 28

Uranus trine Vesta - unexpected changes bring greater independence in your work or career

Venus quincunx Vesta - necessary adjustments in personal or professional relationships (or with your relationship to yourself)

Chiron quincunx Vesta - healing must occur in the areas where you hold sacred beliefs or do what you consider to be sacred work.

Venus conjunct Chiron - vulnerability and healing in relationships

Full Moon in Libra - This is a beautiful full moon for healing, which has been a theme for 2021 so far. We have Venus, Chiron and the Sun working together. The Moon is in a Grand Trine with Saturn and Mars, so solutions should come with minimal effort, providing you’ve made room for those solutions. We’ve started a new astrological year. Last year (the year of WTF),, the Libra New Moon was in April, and we still had no idea what we’d be dealing with this pandemic for this long. We had no idea what our country and the world would go through. We have so much grieving and mourning and healing to do. We are different than we were. Utilize this full moon to really release any of that old you that doesn’t align with who you are now. Relationships are particularly emphasized in Libra, so if your relationship needs healing, this is the full moon to do it.

March 29

Mercury conjunct Neptune - dreamier thinking, meditation, interest in mysteries and art and imagination.

Sun quincunx Vesta - potholes on your path are illuminated; adjustments to the goals you hold as sacred

Sun conjunct Chiron - Progress with healing; wounds can be illuminated and thereby healed

ARIES - Your solar 12th house is lit up now, so you maybe more than anyone, will be meeting with your buried wounds. The Libra full moon is opposite your Sun so you may feel the push-pull of self vs. other. Do the necessary work on both! Your partner is very likely to be amenable to some romance, fun, and a little adventure. See?! Its not all work and no play! Fulfillment, particularly in relationships, is on the horizon for you, and this one will stick!

TAURUS - Your 11th house of hope and dreams is activated this week, opposite the moon in your 5th house of play. I can hear Taurus going “yay! We get to play!”. Ahem. sit down. Yes, you can play with your friends, but first you need to tend to that inner child. The one that had way too much pressure placed on him or her. The one that didn’t get what he or she needed during some critical phases of your childhood. The moon will help you do this work, you just need to be open to it. After you do your chores, then you can go chase your dreams. Use what you’ve learned from your inner mother to be of service to others.

GEMINI - You’re going to need to be aware of your mental speed this week. Before you get ahead of yourself, pump your brakes. Try to organize your 1 million thoughts and feelings into some kind of play or strategy. Get your ducks in a row at home. Maybe that is literal and you need to get your shit together, or maybe it is a call to look for cracks in your foundation. What beliefs no longer serve you on your path? How do you want to be perceived by the world at large? Dress for the job you want, not the job you the energetic sense. Balance is a challenge for you, but if you can find it, your success will taste so much sweeter.

CANCER - You may definitely be sensing the Spring energy, even if its still cold where you live. The idea of seeing your friends and resuming some of your outdoor activities will be barking at your door. (Do ideas bark? Idanno...I guess they do in this horoscope.) Your healing is going to be focused in the area of your beliefs and knowledge. Healing can take place where you feel that your education or religion has failed you, or in areas where you feel insecure about it. Your siblings and close friends will be an active energy around you this week. Make sure you are not over-giving, and shorting yourself.

LEO - You should be starting to see the saplings emerging from the ashes pretty soon. Not just in the sense that Spring is coming, but in the sense that, areas of your life that may have been burned are regenerating now. Some of this is bound to be financial. I do also feel a strong sense of physical healing at this time. If you feel it is time for you to grieve or mourn some aspect of your life that you’ve lost or never quite had, this is a beautiful time to give yourself that space and gift. Release your pain to the moon. The moon will also show you the holes and leaks in your banking checkbook and your personal valuation so that you can fix them… in terms of things like: loans where you are paying more interest than necessary, loans you may qualify for, sources of income that you may be overlooking, and ways you have not fully appreciated or rewarded yourself. Be L’oreal this week: Because you’re worth it.

VIRGO - Your solar house of self is activated by this week’s full moon. You will want to be alone and bask in its energy, but you will be pulled into group settings and partnerships and relationships all week. You can still make time for yourself, even though you’re arguing with me as you read this. Somewhere in your workaholic (cough cough martyr) schedule you CAN find time for yourself. Ironically it is likely to also take place in a group setting. The full moon falls on Sunday, so carve out some time for your own meditation and healing, even if you do it with others. You’ll have some alone time soon enough, I swear.

LIBRA - This is your full moon, and it will show you the ways to move forward. Finish your unfinished business where you are currently. Address any wrongs or crappy feelings. Heal any resentments you have and give it to the moon. The sun is in your solar 6th house of routine and service. So if your routine has been upended recently, it should be settling down. It is important that you balance your service to others with your own personal healing. The moon may activate guilt you may not have been in touch with until now. Resolve it, forgive yourself, and prepare to move ahead.

SCORPIO - Your boredom with the tedium and monotony of life lately will have you craving some playtime with your friends. Creative play, childlike fun, and creative energy are definitely the way to find your healing right now. Even if you are just healing the boredom, that is a worthy cause! The caveat is to not ignore your more intimate relationships at this time, because there is a definite need emanating from the direction of your partner. So balance your time between your own children and your inner child. Everyone gets a turn on the fun bus.

SAGITTARIUS - Your 4th and 10th house axis is lit up this week, so you may feel tension or anxiety about balancing home life and work, or feeling uncertain about a living or work situation. The moon is lighting up your 10th house, opposite the sun in your 4th. Use the full moon to soothe the tension between those 2 entities and release guilt you feel about either. If there are issues from your childhood that you need to address and forgive, this is a great time to do it. Repairing cracks in your foundation from your upbringing can bring growth in your career as well, because your sense of confidence and security will be strengthened. After this week, you’ll have more clarity about what to do with a situation from one of these 2 houses (maybe both).

CAPRICORN - Brace yourself for a nibble from the travel bug, Cap. You are likely to be feeling the need for speed or for adventure in general with the moon in your 9th house. The sun is in your 3rd house, so gather information and pricing and do some initial planning for that trip you want to take (Shoot for June or July). If communication with a family member or close work partner has been funky lately, this full moon could offer some healing energy. Tap in to the energy of “what do I believe” about this situation, and write it down. You might be surprise how just that could help you make a minor shift in a relationship.

AQUARIUS - Take a breath and a break this week. It is likely to be a feel-y week, so carve out some time to be alone with your thoughts. The moon is lighting up your 8th house, and that’s not the kiddie pool. Old grief may surface for you, or you may feel burdened by feeling you owe someone something. Examine what you value about yourself that is in the way of letting that feeling of obligation go. Use the moon to release any heavy or negative feelings you have about someone from your past. It is time to close that book and truly move ahead.

PISCES - Healer, heal thy in, the self that is your identity. While the moon activates your partnership house, the sun and Chiron are in your 1st house of self. You may feel a bit needy toward your partner this week and under this full moon. But as always, it is important for you to maintain your self of self and personal identity. Re-examine your goals and dreams and ask yourself if they really match up with who you truly are. Don’t let yourself be defined by other people’s expectations. If you do feel like you need extra TLC from your partner, this moon looks really sweet for getting those needs met.

Sunday, March 14, 2021

I guess we better work, bitch...(insert scrunched face here)

There is a theme this week of work, work-life balance, changes in the work you do, etc.  Problem solving and finding work-arounds for things that don’t work are also a theme.  The desire to escape can surface as a means of avoiding conflict and frustration. On the up side, though, there is plenty of information and news to satisfy whatever your question is.  Love and intimacy look good this week (unless you work with your spouse or your spouse is your boss, in which case there may be some spill over tension), as does the healing process. Pay attention to your natal Mars and Chiron...those are the houses that are activated for healing. (for me its my 10th and my 6th and I cannot even emphasize how accurate this feels, because I am really struggling with my work routines and habits!) 

In other good news, the Spring Equinox gives us yet another “new year” of sorts, and an opportunity to have a fresh start on things.  Most of the world celebrates January 1st as the New Year, obviously.  And then there’s Chinese New year in February.  The Equinox, when the Sun enters the first sign of the zodiac, Aries, is the astrological new year.  So take advantage of it and set some intentions.  Personally I have felt February and March up to now to be very difficult and I’m definitely going to be utilizing this energy to shift this energy!  Be as idealistic as you feel like being...that is the point!

March 15

  • Venus square Juno - conflict in relationships; compromise and cooperation needed
  • Mercury enters Pisces - our unconscious mind becomes easier to access. Be aware of the desire to escape too much, or get lost in non-reality (i.e. too much dreaming and not enough working)
  • Moon sextile Jupiter - idealistic and humanitarian

March 16

  • Chiron conjunct Ceres (over several days) - strong caretaker energy
  • Chiron sextile Mars - drives you to work on your healing journey
  •  Sun sextile Pluto - boosts your need to succeed

March 18

  •  Venus sextile Pluto - love intensifies and deepens
  • Mercury conjunct Pallas - problem solving; the  desire for new information

March 19

  • Saturn sextile Ceres -  the work/life balance can be achieved with planning
  • Saturn quincunx Vesta - changes and adjustments to work and responsibilities

March 20

  • Sun enters Aries - we can feel more enthusiastic and spontaneous; the desire to conquer
  •  March Equinox  -  It is the Spring Equinox in the Northern Hemisphere when night and day have approximately equal length all over the planet. It is time for rebirth and new beginnings.

March 21

  • Mercury sextile Uranus - exciting news and conversation
  • Mars trine Saturn - provides the drive and stamina for hard work, mental or physical
  • Venus enters Aries -   You enjoy flirting and short-term relationships, no-string-attached. Love at first sight becomes possible

March 22

  • Mars square Vesta - irritations at work

ARIES - Slow your roll, Bitch.  With the Pisces sun in your solar 1st house, your may be caught up in the dream and not notice the details.  Don’t rush ahead without paying attention to what or who is around you.  Don’t try to push a project to completion right now.  Be in the flow and try not to steer the river.  If your finances need some attention, make small adjustments one or two things at a time, as opposed to throwing up your hands and taking out some crazy loan. I know you love to run, but save the running for your feet, not your mind, your mouth, or your decision making. 

TAURUS - Career continues to be a focal point for you, and you might feel frustrated this week by the obstacles in your way.  You can see what’s on the other side of these potholes and rocks, but getting there may require different tires.  Or, you may decide to simply walk the rest of the way, which means you’ll get there later rather than sooner, but you and your “vehicle” will be in one piece. 

GEMINI - You may be a grumpy bitch this week, so utilize whatever is your go-to calming tool.  Little annoyances can add up and make you snappy.  You might feel overly critical of the people around you.  But none of this is about them, so much as the fact that life will not move fast enough for you.  Your mind is a speed racer, and you’re ready to be at the finish line yesterday.  But there are annoying details with paperwork and various projects that are hanging you up.  Just get them done, and try not to be mean to the people around you. 

CANCER -  This week you'll need to find balance between standing in your own beliefs, and being willing to maybe change them when faced with a challenge.   If challenged by a person, you are bound to feel like a defensive bitch and confrontation is an option.  It isn’t your best option however.  Rather than clap back (which you are so good at), say as little as possible and examine  what the person or situation is telling you.  You may still arrive at the choice to clap back, but do the inner work first. 

LEO -  You’re a fire sign bitch, so I don’t really have to explain heat to you.  But be aware this week that others may rubbing against you, and the friction is not sexy (sorry).  Little things might really get on your nerves, and you may feel some friction with your partner about finances or job stuff.  Keep your cool and don’t burn down the village.  This will pass!

VIRGO - Where you feel blocked this week, climb or jump over it.  There is no reason to wait for someone to rescue you, or for a solution to show up, when you are quite capable of getting around this problem the old fashioned way.  Relationship issues may have you feeling jittery and wanting to talk things out.  But a little space and grace will work better than a “talk”.  Give it some time. 

LIBRA - You may feel really over the mundane bullshit of day to day work stuff right now.  The Sun is in your solar 6th house and it just doesn't motivate you.  Adding to your over-it-ness, other people’s moods will be splashing on you and you may just want to lock your office door.  You go right ahead, bitch! If you put your foot down in a reasonable way before this energy really sets you on fire, you will be able to nip it before trouble arises.  If you are buried in work...delegate, bitch!.  

SCORPIO - All work and no play makes Scorp a grumpy bitch. You’re bored.  You’re searching for deeper meaning in things that don’t need deeper meaning.  Accept certain things and people at their very boring and superficial face value.  Find depth and intrigue elsewhere or within yourself.  This period of boredom will pass very soon.  

SAGITTARIUS - This week,  Mars in Gemini says "look at all your options".  Look at all of them.  Not just the ones that you’ve deemed good enough, but even the less desirable ones.  And you may find yourself revisiting this twice.  Here's a thought: maybe  mash together a couple of the concepts will yield the best option yet.  If your neighbors or co-workers are chewing too loud or otherwise being completely irritating, avoid confrontation.  Confrontations are likely to blow up far bigger than necessary right now.  Observe, document, meditate, move on.  

CAPRICORN - During the birthing process, the urge to push can be overwhelming.  But sometimes the doc will tell you to NOT push, just breathe, in order to tend to something that may prove problematic.  This week you need to breathe, don’t push. Find your focal point and observe the situation. Focus on stability and foundation issues before moving ahead.  Create a plan B. 

AQUARIUS - Detachment from outcome is your fancy motto this week.  Just don’t count on things promised...don’t count your chickens before they’ve hatched, etc.  Family may disappoint you a bit this week.  Or someone who borrowed money from you may hint at not being able to pay it back.  Breathe, bitch.  This will be OK.  It isn’t worth making yourself sick or guilting the other party to death.  

PISCES - You may find yourself feeling foggy  and confused.  It may be the movement of the planets into Aries, but whatever the case, give yourself a break.  Watch yourself for negative self talk, don’t be too hard on yourself, don’t cry over spilt milk etc. etc.  Forget about yesterday. Don’t worry about tomorrow.  Be present in today for whatever it is (it will soon change anyway). Use positive affirmations like I use lip gloss: copiously and frequently. 

Saturday, March 6, 2021

Galileo Figaro Magnifico

You may notice a slight change in the format for the transits.  There are also quite a few more than usual, as I am playing with adding in the asteroids and dwarf planets to see how they can contribute to my process.  So far, I like this vibe a lot, especially for scopes called BitchScopes.  

I am fiddling with my writing process as well.  So to arrive at the mood for this week I made a a word cloud.  It won’t show up in the scopes on 12Listen due to formatting constraints. Here is the list of words in descending order of emphasis in case you can't see the graphic (or you can bounce over to the blog) ** Feelings, intuition, meditation, mother, nurture, sensitive, choice, commitment, empathy, family, logic, news, bonding, compromise, humanitarian, idealistic, misunderstandings, prayer, selfish, sharing, vulnerable **

I kinda love least for this week. Who knows about next week.  

P.S. Bohemian Rhapsody just landed in my brain out of nowhere. Probably triggered by the word "Mother", but I'm going with it... While I know the song by heart, I don't know that I've ever sought out more meaning behind it.  Check this out! 

“In fact, Galileo was the name of Jesus Christ in the ancient Rome. In other words, the only way to get out of the demonic nightmare of the song is to magnify Jesus Christ and ask Him for help. But the boy can’t believe that God is concerned about him, and refuses the salvation (‘Nobody loves me’)."

Read this fantastic article about the meaning of Bohemian Rhapsody

* Footnote by me: I can not validate this assertion that Jesus actually was referred to as "Galileo", though it shows up a few times in research.  However, Galileo may have been a nod to the word "Galilean", a word that referenced Christ and His followers

Aaaanyway, thanks for that ear-worm, Universe.  The link about the song is very interesting in and of itself and shows what a friggin genius Freddy was.  As to the songs random application to this week's scopes...self judgement, feeling all the feelings because of Pisces, healing the mother wound, caring for ourselves, prayer, surrendering to the power of prayer.  

Hi rabbit hole, can I come in? Cool.

Freddy's Birthday was 9/5, making him a Virgo. The planets  that contributed to most of this Mother energy this week were Vesta (shows where we are devoted) and Ceres (goddess of the hearth and harvest)  Vesta has a lot of moon-like, Cancerian qualities, and  Ceres is a proposed co-ruler for Virgo.   

Galileo was martyred for science.  He was ordered to turn himself in to the Holy Office to begin trial for holding the belief that the Earth revolves around the sun, which was deemed heretical by the Catholic Church. 

What do we sacrifice (Vesta in Virgo) to the collective (Pisces) to allow our healing (Chiron & Ceres in Aries)? Can we "Galileo Figaro Magnifico" (magnify Christ/Christ consciousness), to unfuck ourselves?

That's crazy.  I gotta go have a drink and listen to the song.  Idanno man, I just work here. 

Here's the weekly scoop and scopes: 

March 8

  • Moon sextile Neptune - sensitive and in touch with your feelings
  • Mercury sextile Juno - good timing for sharing news or info with spouse/mate
  • Venus opposite Vesta - pull between commitment to work and commitment to partner
  • Neptune square Juno (all week) - possible misunderstandings in relationships, particularly if you are not viewing your partner through a realistic lens

March 9

  • Venus square Lunar Nodes - A square to the Nodes  indicates tension and a critical choice.   You must choose between the comfort of the known (the past) and the promise of the unknown (the future).  The South Node in Sagittarius wants to escape and the North Node in Gemini asks us to communicate and pursue intellectual enrichment.  How will you use your values, money, and talents (Venus) on this journey? 
  • Moon trine Mars - courage and initiative;  defending the family

March 10

  • Sun conjunct Neptune - increased sensitivity, empathy, and intuition 
  • Mercury sextile Eris - discord can be softened with intellect and logic

March 11

  • Sun square Juno - beware of ego in relationships; selfishness 
  • Chiron conjunct Ceres (over several days) - strong caretaker energy

March 13

  • Venus conjunct Neptune - a great transit for solid relationships to bond and deepen
  • New Moon in Pisces - It is time for spirituality, prayers and meditation. Some of us will need some time alone with their own thoughts.

March 14

  • Daylight Savings Time begins - Ugh. lame. 
  • Moon conjunct Chiron - vulnerable

March 15

  • Mercury enters Pisces - our unconscious mind becomes easier to access. Be aware of the desire to escape too much, or get lost in non-reality (i.e. too much dreaming and not enough working)
  • Moon sextile Jupiter - idealistic and humanitarian
  • Venus square Juno - conflict in relationships; compromise and cooperation needed

ARIES - Your solar 12th house is emphasized right now, with the Sun,  the new moon, Mercury, and Venus there stirring up and activating your compassion in a deep way.  The trick is to not give all of your energy away to others, when you need to have some for yourself. It is past time that you leaned on your friends for some nurturing and support, even if it is not for any specific thing.  In your quest for success, don't forget to take care of you. 

TAURUS - Your friends, associations, hopes and dreams are highlighted now.  If you utilize the new moon for manifesting, be sure to include your long term goals. Self care for you revolves around creativity and child-like joy. Use some kind of art to tap into your intuition this week and consider doing some healing work for your inner child. 

GEMINI - There is something you need to learn in order to further your career.  It may be a new skill or modality, or it may be a whole new subject.  If the thought of going back to school breaks you out in hives, tap in to your intuition for some direction and explore the resources online. If there is some emotional baggage around learning, do some work with the new moon to heal that and draw in a fresh energy.

CANCER - Use the moon this week to tap in to the power of your belief system, and also to receive new information that will enhance your spiritual life.  Your challenge this week might be staying focused.  Resist the urge to escape, or to distract yourself with useless arguments.  Passive aggressive behavior is a no-no this week (sorry!), but learning, or deepening your learning practice is a yes!

LEO - Try not to act impulsively when your feelings get triggered this week. Instead, work on healing whatever that issue is.  This is likely to come from your closest relationship or partner, and might be about the ever-so-popular couples argument: money.  So try to stay aware and don't lash out at them. (Read their horoscopes to see what's going on with them. Perspective helps!)  Honest and compassionate communication will set the stage for a regeneration in that relationship. 

VIRGO - This doesn't even sound like a horoscope, what I'm about to say.  It sounds like Virgo every day...but I'm gonna say it anyway.   Your mothering and nurturing nature will be turned up this week, and you might need to watch for too much "people pleasing", sacrificial, or martyr behavior.  Being sacrificial (especially in a brand new relationship) won't necessarily win the other party over, and it probably doesn't serve you either.   Balance between self and other is key, particularly if grief is involved this week at all.  Make sure you give yourself room to grieve under the dark of the moon.  

LIBRA - While its not your normal nature, check yourself if you feel like criticizing this week. With the moon tickling your solar 6th house, you'll need to be aware of any physical messages you get from your body, but realize that they may be rooted in an emotional issue as well.  You may feel a bit low and mopey this week, and like you're unsupported.  "Water, water everywhere, but not a drop to drink."  You're a drop in the ocean (Vesta is cruising through your 12th house), so you're surrounded by the love of just can't see it right now.  Just keep swimming.  

SCORPIO - You have the green light to be dramatic and creative this week, particularly as it pertains to yourself in a group or company. You will enjoy the attention you get this week, and it could come from a new job, promotion, or opportunity.  You will feel more inspired this week than you have in awhile, so if you've back-burnered a creative project, you might want to dust it off this week.  Use the new moon to manifest even more creative energy to get that sucker finished!

SAGITTARIUS - You may not feel very social or outgoing this week, as the new moon will have you craving the comfort and security of home (maybe with family, maybe not...depends on your family!) You may question your commitment to your profession, and may just feel confused about how to proceed. The 10th house and issues of authority are pulling on your need for more security.  For the answers, look to your Pluto, currently in your 2nd solar house of earned money.  In short, "show me the money" is probably partially the answer to your conundrum. 

CAPRICORN - You may question what you know this week, or your beliefs that have gotten you this far.  It could be time for a change up in either your career path, or the education that supports your current career.  Look to your friends for a bit of distraction and levity from the burdens of family.  Write down your wishes and desires for the new moon and ask for information to come to you very clearly...because the information is you'd best know what they're talking about when it does, eh? 

AQUARIUS - Your glasses this week may be Venusian colored.  The arts, inspiration, beauty, things of value, and money are likely to be on your mind.  Projects to improve your home are favored right now. But while you're refinishing your dining table, your thoughts are likely to go deep.  Deep wisdom can come when your mind is occupied. You already have everything you need, for whatever the thing is that is on your mind right now; it is merely a matter of organizing it.

PISCES - You need to take a break from effort for the time being.  Rest.  Relax.  Be with the one you love (man, woman, cat, dog, food, vibrator, whatever!) and give yourself a break.  This is your new moon, and there's a lot of planets rooting for you right now.  Despite that, you may feel stabby this week, but the way I'm looking at it, I think a fever is about to break.  After you navigate whatever pissy energy you have within you, you'll have an a-ha moment.  You will very soon feel much more secure and empowered. But don't go trying to find it. Let it come to you.  You deserve your own grace right now. 

Sunday, February 28, 2021

Eye on the prize...noooo....the other one!

BitchScopes for March 1st - March 8th

Overall this looks to be a very positive week with a strong dose of compassion, harmony, appreciation for other people, and fun flirty energy. But it isn’t all Spring Break and free love. There is a strong emphasis on the future and moving toward our higher purpose. However, the focus you require to reach those goals and dreams may be hard to find this week as many shiny things and pretty people may make it hard to concentrate. You may feel distracted and see many squirrels.

Most of the tension will be internal as you try to find a balance between the sexy, flirtation energy, and the tug toward something much more meaningful. Marriages and intimate relationships should have a pleasant week and good communication of deep thoughts and feelings. The relationship energy is pretty sweet, and both the Sun and Venus in Pisces may have you using the heart-eye emoji more than usual.

While you may be in love with love, don’t forget to work on plans for your future. Spend some time with your feelings and explore what feels like the perfect marriage of your skills and your perfect “job”. Give your soul and heart as much attention as you give to other people this week.

3/2 Mercury trine North Node - gives you strong mental energy and drive to move toward our purpose. You may discover an untapped talent within yourself that will move you toward your calling. This is also a time which offers the opportunity to promote yourself and be well received.

3/2 Vesta square North Node - Emphatic focus on reaching the soul’s purpose, but something feels like it is in the way. Reaching your goals requires flexibility and a choice of solutions.

3/3 Venus sextile Uranus - makes you crave more excitement in our social and love lives; romantic flings are favored. Money may unexpectedly show up during this transit. Sudden creative bursts and breakthroughs are possible.

3/3 Mars enters Gemini - You may find it hard to focus, and flit from one project to another. We are hungry for learning and for digesting interesting information.

3/4 Mercury conjunct Jupiter - offers you good news, optimism, and luck.

3/4 Juno trine Neptune - brings sympathy, harmony and understanding in intimate relationships

3/5 Venus sextile Lilith - You will feel an emphasis on sexual freedom and unique expressions of beauty and values. Your values challenge social norms

3/5 Sun square Lunar Nodes - This is the halfway point between eclipses, and tells us we are at a turning point. In the same way you must slow down and make a choice when you reach a fork in the road, we have to pay closer attention to what is going on around us in this energy. Being too much in the past or the future will serve no purpose. Be in the moment.

3/7 Pallas enters Pisces - You want to resist and make big changes, but also crave peace and understanding; compassion is increased.

3/8 Mercury sextile Juno - gives you increased ability to communicate thoughts and feelings to your partner

ARIES - The very top of your chart is emphasized right now, so working on goals is not at all foreign to you, the most driven of all the bitches. You may feel like things are sort of chaotic right now, or like you don’t have control. Good news, bad news...the good news is, you don’t have control, and the bad news is, you don’t have control! Don’t try to steer the river, silly bitch. Get in the boat and let it take you somewhere. This doesn’t mean you don’t have a say. You’ve already entered your desired destination coordinates into the ships log (or whatever. Damnit Jim I’m an astrologer, not a ship captain!) and what feels like chaos right now is actually the creative process of the universe. The road (or river. Or spaceship course…?) to success is rarely tidy and straight. Trust the process.

TAURUS - You’re undergoing a bit of a purification or detoxification process right now. Before you get to your next milestone, you have to let go of some baggage. You may be too focused on the future and missing important info in the present. You can’t really enjoy the freedom that is coming if you don’t take time to think about the ways you’ve allowed yourself to be prisoner up to now. Standing still and being quiet can be nerve wracking because all there is is you, and your inner bitch. Let the discomfort wash over you, because when that tide ebbs again, it will take all that crap with it. THEN you can move ahead!

GEMINI - Regret is wasted energy (unless its about a misspelled tattoo, in which case, get that shit fixed). You wouldn’t be who you are now without all the events and people that make up your path up to now. If you find yourself wishing you could redo some part of your past because you think it would create a better future than the one currently before you, then there’s a strong chance you are just afraid of the unknown. There’s nothing to be afraid of. It is literally unknown, so how can you know to be afraid of it? Trust that your path has been, and will be perfect and that you have everything you need to succeed going forward.

CANCER - Personal relationships are emphasized for you right now. If there is a goal within a partnership, don’t lose sight of the personal and important details of the day to day as you try to move toward the overarching goal. Find the balance between the big picture and the details. In keeping your eye on the big picture, it can be tempting to try to figure out shortcuts to the desired destination, but then you’d be screwing up some of the important details. When you are driving, you look through the front windshield to the road ahead, and you occasionally glance to your side and rear view mirrors to make sure things are on track and safe. You are safe. And you’re about to have a big, successful breakthrough. Stay balanced.

LEO - As much as we’d sometimes like to, ignoring the uncomfortable past will not lead us to a more pleasant future. We have to acknowledge what is behind us in order to move forward. Be realistic, pragmatic, and in acceptance for who you are because of where you’ve been. This integration and thoughtful planning will get you where you want to go. A relationship is coming, or a current one is deepening. But you must fully accept yourself before anyone else can too.

VIRGO - Something new is coming, and it is ok to be excited about it! Oh, you thought those butterflies were a warning? It’s easy to confuse excitement and nervousness. But you are about to step into a process that will transform you in exciting ways. Get to manifesting, bitch! Wish, dream, intend. Be open to the concept of the lead in your life transforming to gold. Tap into your creativity more. Write, sing, paint, dance, play. Creative energy is what will fuel your next experiences.

LIBRA - This week you may be second guessing a choice you’ve made recently, or a decision that you thought you’d figured out. This confusion is normal when you are at the threshold of endings and beginnings. Whatever you have put into motion already, or set your heart on, go in that direction. You have every reason to be excited about the next phase. But don’t let a frustrating or angering situation in the present time cause you to sabotage something better coming. When you chose the road less traveled, there are no tracks to reassure you, so you’ll have to lean into your faith. You’ve got this!

SCORPIO - Don’t be afraid to go a different way, think outside the box, or challenge the status quo. You may even find a way to use your well honed skills for manipulation, and that’s totally OK! Your best path forward is probably the weirdest looking choice. If uncertainty gets the best of you, look for a sign. Remember there’s no such thing as a coincidence, so when you experience something serendipitous, take note. Go that direction. It’s fine if people think you’re an idiot or that you’re making a mistake, Screw them. March ahead on your weird’ll be so glad you did.

SAGITTARIUS - Be aware of how you may have set aside your own values or personal identity for another person, or for a relationship. You may be holding on too tight to something and lost sight of what you really want. Sometimes it's best to let Jesus take the wheel, particularly if you don’t know if you should stay or go. You don’t have to decide right now. Utilize fire to help you gain clarity...and by that I don’t mean set the relationship on fire. I mean, build a fire, light a candle, sage your house. Fire will purify things and bring the answer into focus for you.

CAPRICORN - What’s between your heart and your head? Well, literally it is your throat and your speak what your true desire is. Then, when a reasonable opportunity shows up in the next couple-ish weeks, say yes! You may be tempted to overthink it, or wait for another offer, but don’t. If you’re still unsure, seek the middle ground between intuition and reason. Use your magic AND your mind. Stand still in the middle of these 2 things and just breathe. You are a very driven and goal oriented bitch, but sometimes you gotta let the magic happen for you.

AQUARIUS - What in life makes you feel strongest and most powerful? Do that this week. Don’t let anyone else’s opinion about your or your path sway you (even though Aquarius’ rarely ever do that!) Set aside time this week to bring balance to your life. You need equal parts gratitude and desire, rest and work, joy and sadness. Try not to label anything you observe in yourself as negative this week. Even if you feel sad and disheartened, continue to do the thing that makes you feel strong and badass.

PISCES - Your creative energy is very high right now, even though you may not feel very excited about anything at the moment. It’s time to mix things up. Life is a big cauldron of all the things, but you may be keeping your stuff compartmentalized. Let your sexy energy seep into your work, and your work habits seep into your home life and your home energy seep into your circle of friends, and your friends seep into your self. Where you feel constricted, do something that feels expansive. Where you feel afraid, do something that makes you feel joyful. Use your creative fire to shake off the heaviness of monotony.

Sunday, February 21, 2021

Make that Change

Well I’m not gonna lie, Bitches...writing these Scopes has been a struggle. I damn near threw my computer into the ocean. I have been battling a migraine since Friday. So I am definitely not in the mood to wrestle with computers who work slower than I do! But despite my foul mood, in looking at this week’s transits, I am very optimistic and feeling a little excited!

This week has a whole host of transits all aimed at helping us reach our goals and making desired changes in our lives. The timing is on your side, the moon is on your side...hell, even Mars and Pluto are on your side. One minor caveat: watch yourself for being overly controlling or manipulative.

Mercury is now direct...what did you learn during the past few weeks about your inner Spock? Put those ideas to work now!

Now, on to the individual scopes, because this bitch is exhausted!

2/24 Asteroid Lillith enters Capricorn (until March 16) - Lilith here can bring out feelings of being neglected,and will compensate by being controlling. She is willing to use sex as a means to feel in control and to feel accepted.

2/24 Mars trine Pluto - an intense fire and desire to achieve your goals

2/25 Venus enters Pisces - affection becomes more important, but there can also be a longing for something we can’t put our finger on

2/25 Sun sextile Uranus - Can bring pleasant surprises. Also...let your freak flag fly; express your uniqueness

2/26 Jupiter trine True Node - Divine timing is on your side

2/27 1219 AM PST  Full Moon in Virgo - Make that Change (cue Michael Jackson’s “Man in the Mirror”) The Full moon is quincunx Saturn (essentially describes work/life balance, adjusting responsibilities) and Trine Uranus (brings awareness that will allow you to make changes you’ve been desiring)

ARIES - This week, you might be aware of how one of the organizations or groups you have a vested interest in has some changing dynamics. It could be that new roles are being handed out. Or you might be changing up your friendships. It could be a little upsetting. Listen carefully to the logical part of yourself, and not the reactionary part, and if necessary, have a talk with certain people. I wouldn’t call it a “confrontation”, but it could turn out that way...and that’s perfectly OK. Bitch, stop apologizing!

TAURUS - Balance, Bitch! Wooo...that financial goal you’ve been working on is getting closer! There may be some changes at work. Now may be a good window for you to ask for a raise or change of department etc. Update your resume and put yourself out there. Better is coming, one way or another. You may find fulfillment and stress relief from a cause that is dear to you...perhaps some volunteer work. Its important to try to maintain balance between work and home, your head and your heart.

GEMINI - No rose colored glasses needed. You will be willing and able to see things very clearly this week. If you’ve been in denial about the need to do something to push you forward, that denial will fall away now. You may surprise yourself with a desire to go back to school or expand your study or something. Be patient, and try to be focused this week. Your squirrely brain will be very active, (as it likely has been since birth...but especially the last couple weeks) so you’ll need to really try to get things done and not be flitting all over the house accomplishing very little. Focus, bitch.

CANCER - Problem solved, Bitch. A financial issue that has been bugging you can find resolution this week, whether through a loan, a surprise boost to your income, or an end to the issue as a whole. Technology is your friend this week, and that is a mantra you’ll want to keep in mind throughout the week. Relationships (mostly friendships) can be transformed this week and next. That may mean a promotion for some friends, and a pink slip for others. It’s time to let some people go, and you know right away who they are.

LEO - You’re a bored Bitch. While you are familiar with the tale of the tortoise and the hare, you are probably sick to death of waiting for things to happen. Everything is slow and its so boring! Things are happening, its just mostly happening behind the scenes. You’re ready for your big performance, but the sets have to be painted, the sound guy has to figure out his sound board, the lighting tech has to replace some equipment...all these things happen without you to make you look your best. So try to be patient and keep running those lines! Your time IS coming!

VIRGO - Upgrade, Bitch. Is it time to upgrade some part of your work life? Yeah, it is. You don’t like change much, and you certainly don’t like not having full control over your daily routine. But if you can set aside a couple days to analyze your work flow, or maybe even install new software or computer, you’ll be glad you did. It may also be time to consider upping your dating game if you’re single.

LIBRA - You are normally pretty tolerant and can be very patient, but this week you may have had it up to here and feel unable to hold it in. You know what? Its ok. Say what you need to say. Because you’re you, it is unlikely you’ll say anything mean or cruel or out of line. So with that in mind, speak on it! That same energy may translate into a very protective vibe with your family (or you may need protection from your family!) Don’t be afraid to do what is best for you! Speak up, Bitch.

SCORPIO - Everything may seem utterly important this week...from people’s words, to your words, to small tasks and routine. You will be in a deeply feeling place and taking everything a little personally. This isn’t terrible, especially if you’re aware. This energy can facilitate a great conversation with your partners, both romantic and business; and your ability to feel into the details makes this a great week for negotiating. Get it done, Bitch.

SAGITTARIUS - Never one to back down from a verbal drama, you may surprise yourself and others this week with an announcement. Disruption is a necessary energy right now, and it might have you cleaning house, in more than one way. You will feel nervous about these changes, but also very excited, which is your favorite emotion. Make small changes to your house, rearrange the furniture, drive a different way into town, turn off your something different than you normally do. Change it up, Bitch.

CAPRICORN - Hide your credit card, Bitch. Uranus really wants you to thrive, and is shaking up things in your money department to get you thinking outside the box. You may be tempted to spend more on something than usual, but resist the urge. Are you bored? Probably so. Make some lists of goals and things you want to achieve this year. Make note of the things that require money to make them happen. Seeing it laid out this way will give you an a-ha moment. You are the solutions master right now, solving problems left and right. Keep going on your own lists as well as other people’s.

AQUARIUS - You may not realize it at the time that it is happening, but you will be doing something with far reaching and ground breaking effects. You are an influencer, and you hate influencers! How’d this happen? Well the world is hungry for your unique ideas and solutions, so now is not the time to be shy or second guess your desires. Keep being your weird self and pushing’re making changes in the world! Just be you, Bitch.

PISCES - You’re a genius, Bitch. A dream or vision or bolt of insight could propel you into a deep inner thought process and a breakthrough. Write everything down and allow yourself to feel excited. This breakthrough will help more than just you. It may be as subtle as deciding to compliment people more, or as ground breaking as a new idea that could change lives. You’ll feel passionately about it, whatever it is. Keep a notebook with you this week!

Sunday, February 14, 2021

Saturn is up Uranus. (welcome to maturity central)

Well if you felt like last week was weird...buckle up bitches!  This week is a mixed bag of fired up emotions.  It can be sexy, angry, bajiggity, motivated and lazy all at once.  

On the plus side:  Mercury goes direct this week, and the Sun moves into Pisces.  The Sun will be the first to move out of that massive Aquarian pile up of planets, followed by Venus later in February, and then Mercury in Mid-March.  As that Aquarius stellium starts to loosen up and break apart, we can start to feel more grounded and focused. Aquarius is a lot of great things (said the Aquarian), but it can also be too detached, a bit lazy, and a little too much up in the head and not in the body.  Having the #1 luminary, the Sun, in Pisces will at least get us into our heart space and a little out of our heads. 

But there’s still a lot going on in the collective mind.  We have our eyes on the future, and the present is just not very comfortable.  Saturn and Uranus tussle in a square.  Saturn in Uranus dance in cycles that are 45 years long, forming a variety of aspects involving the themes of change, rebellion, freedom, authority, etc.  Our current cycle began in 1988, and closes in 2032 (when it will shift into different signs and themes).  World history tells an amazing story about these 2 planets.   Previous exact squares occurred in 1861-62, 1930, 1951-52, 1975-77, and 1999 - 2000.  Some of the major markers are: the Civil War, The Depression, The Korean War, The Cold War, the rise of fascism in the 1970s, and the Civil Rights movements, and the fall of the Soviet Union and other Communist regimes.  We are in the thick of this cycle now, and  have 3 exact squares this year: February, June and December.  We really are in the midst of actively forming history.  Governments and institutions that limit freedom, monetary systems, and a shift in world power is happening before our eyes. If you feel bajiggity, well...welcome to being human.  Twas ever thus! 

It might be hard to feel optimistic in this energy. Our thoughts are tending toward the deep and the dark.  Do what you can to cultivate joy and pleasure.  

Cue Venus Square Mars.  Established relationships can benefit from heightened sexual energy.  New relationships can suffer from poor judgement and impatience.  Just keep your head on straight. 

Lean into Pisces, dream a little dream, feel compassion for yourself and others, and work on your meditation practice.  Take time to think about how you may have changed your mind or actions during Mercury retrograde, and see how you can put those changes to their best use.  Take time to reflect and relax before Aries comes screaming onto the scene in March.  

Love yourself, bitches, and love the people around you.  What else could the point of this life be than to find the ability to love infinitely in the midst of so much mortality? 

2/16 Asteroid Lilith conjunct Mercury - thoughts go deep, dabble in the dark, feel empowered

2/17 Saturn square Uranus - Nervous inner tension is high as our need for freedom and independence bumps into our need for structure and stability.  While this can affect us personally, most of the action is global. Personally, this can bring about changes that are hard to navigate, or a difficulty in making a change that we want.  Stay flexible.  View challenges as surprise opportunities from the Universe. 

2/18 Sun enters Pisces - signals the end of one cycle before a new one begins at the Spring Equinox. We are more able to tap into our intuition and feelings.  Allow yourself time to dream and surrender your drop of water to the ocean.  

2/19 Venus square Mars -  This can be a strong time for sex drives, but can cause tension in relationships that may be already wobbly.  If you are not in an established relationship, be careful not to lower your standards due to lack of patience.  New affairs under this energy are probably fleeting. 

2/20 Mercury Direct - sound the trumpet! Mercury moves direct at 11 degrees of Aquarius, lingering there until the 25th, when it picks up its normal speed. 

2/20 Venus sextile Eris  - the potential to make new friends or start new relationships is strong, and based in mutual passion (which may not be a great thing if you’re not very conscious) As an example, this would be the ideal energy for a meeting of like minded feminists to start a club or a movement.

ARIES - Take a hike, bitch!  Get out into nature and absorb some of the Earth’s powerful regenerative energy for whatever your needs are in the present time.  Then spend some time thinking about what new project you would like to start.  Your boundless energy and deeply rooted sense of optimism are your strongest allies right now.  Whatever it is, it is nearly guaranteed to be prosperous and successful. You might get positive news about something of a financial nature this week.  

TAURUS - Do what you want, bitch! Love who you love and don’t worry about it being requited (this is not the same as stalking someone or insisting that they love you). Follow your desires. Even if you don’t get what you want, the act of pursuing it is worth a great deal! Follow your gut and your instincts, be adventurous, embrace something with passion. You are starting a new cycle. It may be a minor reboot or a major overhaul.  These changes may shake things up for you, or maybe even make you feel insecure. But remember, life is happening FOR view every challenge as an opportunity to create the life you want. 

GEMINI - Seek stability, bitch!  What is required is wisdom and a certain reverence for those will experience and knowledge in the areas you seek success. Observe yourself and those around you carefully, and be a good steward of your resources.  When you act with responsible authority, more abundance will be added.  It is time to look to the future, to play the longer game, to build a reliable foundation for your new life.  Quick schemes and fleeting successful ventures built on the sand are in your past.  Build your new house upon the rock of maturity and stability...its more fun than you think. 

CANCER - Believe and heal, bitch!  Life is harsh and plain ol’ hard sometimes. But do not give up hope for better things, both for yourself, and for the community around you. But you have to see things clearly, the good, the bad, and the ugly.  What habits do you have that may be holding you back from your best self? What energies from other people (jealousy, sabotage etc) do you sense? End that shit right now!  Acceptance and gratitude for what is right now will usher in unexpected blessings sooner than you think.  Do not lose hope! 

LEO - Trust the journey, bitch! Let your feet and heart lead the way and try to leave your head out of it.  Don’t overthink every aspect of your journey on the way to your goal.  Distractions can sometimes lead to rewards.  A great place for you to get distracted is the woods.  Go as soon as you can to any grove of trees, forest, or wooded area.  Literally put your heart against the trunk of a tree and just be.  Sometimes experience is a better teacher than education or instruction.  Go with the flow and enjoy the ride a bit!

VIRGO - All that glitters isn’t gold, bitch!  Don’t be deceived by shiny objects or seemingly shiny people.  There is reason for you to trust your instincts, which are telling you to not trust a person or situation. You may not want to believe this.  If you do find yourself in a situation you needed to avoid, use your instincts to get yourself untangled as soon as possible. Don’t show your hand if you’re negotiating for something this week.  Be a sly and cunning bitch! 

LIBRA - Take a nap, bitch! Rest.  Go to bed, whether or not you sleep. If you dream, don’t make too much out of them. Just let your unconscious mind purge itself of the many details it takes in every single hour of the day.  Distance yourself from chaotic people and situations as much as possible. Seek out anything and anyone who makes you feel peaceful and at ease.  Your heart needs a little bit of a hibernation and a reset.  So if you feel unusually down, or sad, or slow, take the hint and “have a lie down”.  

SCORPIO - Cry if you want to, bitch! Chaos and loss are unfortunately part of the cycles of creation and life.  If you’re in some kind of dry spell, just know that what has fallen off the tree and falls to the forest floor nourishes new growth. You of all people are not afraid of the dark.  Feel your grief or sadness for what hasn’t come to fruition the way you hoped, and do it with full confidence that this is just the part of the cycle where the land feels cold and barren, but it is just resting before growth. You will absolutely get through whatever this is!    

SAGITTARIUS - Get your Nature on, bitch!  For real! You need to get out into nature and experience as much of it as possible.  Hold rocks in your hands, put your feet into a natural stream, collect some fragrant soil and take it home with you. Plant something, both literally, and figuratively.  Nurture ALL of your relationships this week. Allow yourself to be amazed by the flow of life.  A big new beginning is already underway for you. Open up and allow it in! 

CAPRICORN - Keep it simple, bitch!  Simple pleasures are the key for you this week (and possibly always?)  If it seems complicated, politely decline.  Engage all your senses this week and lean into your Earthy nature. Do things this week that make you feel happy and joyful in even the smallest ways.  Listen to laughter (hopefully your own).   If you have happy childhood memories, dig them out, along with some crayons, and let your inner child play!

AQUARIUS - You better work, Bitch!  Accomplishment and recognition are soon yours, but first you gotta do the work. Ugh. Aquarians are better at inspiring others to do work than actually doing it themselves, but this is your duty at the moment.  Clear the path and keep chipping away at the task until it is done.  Also, another thing Aquarians aren’t great at...accepting help.  If you have trusted people around you who can help with the larger tasks, let them! You’ll get a break soon enough, and it will feel so good!

PISCES - Protect what is yours, bitch!  And that means your loved ones, your home, and  your own energy.  If something is draining you, step away from it.  If you are hot, cool the hell down. If you are tired, sleep.  If your children seem needy, hold them. If your house is messy, clean it.  These are all activities of protecting and preserving what is ours in this weird life on Earth. Also, don’t forget about energy...sage your home this week, do a deep clean, play some loud and joyful music, cook some healthy food (maybe from your garden).  Find joy in being in your beautiful home.